
Mad Creative Skills

This portfolio for Scott Cullins includes a few samples of his work as a creative director, designer and content marketer.

Welcome to my portfolio page. In my quest to become the best creative director I can be, I’m always pushing myself to learn. After 20 years as a designer, writer and creative director, I recently added content marketing and web development to my skill set.

Magazine Design & Art Direction

Almost half my career has been in media & publishing, I’ve held full-time positions with publications like Bon Appétit magazine and Salt Lake magazine.

I’ve also published my own magazines and print products which were sold on newsstands.

And last, when I’ve worked as a consultant, offering creative and business development services to clients in the consumer and B2B space. In that role, I helped clients start up more than a dozen new magazines.

Here are a Few Magazine Design Samples

Marketing & Advertising Creative

Living in L.A. as I did, I knew that opportunities in the magazine business were limited. Most of the Bigs were in New York with a few in the bay Area. So after a good run at Bon Appétit I took a position as Design Director for the in-house agency at Health Net in Woodland Hills, CA.

An Internet startup marcom opportunity took me to Idaho and, after that bubble burst, I was once again in the freelance market.

All told, been involved in print and digital marketing advertising across many industries.

Here are a few recent samples

Content Marketing

I have a decent grasp of CSS and can build fairly sophisticated websites using WordPress and my favorite theme, Generate Press. To be clear, I’m not claiming to be a developer. Combined with my design and content marketing skills, I’ve put together some solid performing sites.

As Creative Director, Content & Special Projects, I provide oversight for client websites and hands-on design and content marketing for the company’s internal sites and strategic partner sites like our digital media buying partner Ad Placement Partners.

See that site in the gallery below or visit the live Ad Placement Partners site now.

Web Design

Here are a few samples of web projects I do a have a hand in the design development of:

Content Marketing

After running several blogs over the past 10 years, I felt I had a good grasp on SEO, but I knew I was only nibbling at the edges of the discipline. I finally decided to step up my content marketing skillset and, three years ago, I became a Hubspot Certified Content Marketer.

With elevated content marketing skills, Arena added content marketing to my creative director responsibilities. I’ve been able to vastly improve the SEO of the sites I’m involved with—snagging some number 1 ranking SERP positions along the way.

In this content marketing role I wrote all copy and support the dev team by making adjustments to the site using our custom theme options and and CSS.

For the aforementioned Ad Placement Partners, I developed a keyword strategy using low volume longtail keywords, developed a content calendar, wrote and/or assigned post articles to staff members, and performed thorough SEO on each new post.


When you’re used to gigabytes of data and cumbersome, sluggish application response times, working in digital is like a breath of fresh air.

Much of my digital advertising experience comes in the past 8 years working with Arena Communications as a contractor and eventually a FT employee.

The agency is political, sand I have to say that I didn’t care for some of the candidates and PACs we worked for, but I’m very competetive and I like to won. So I always found a reason to stay motivated and do my best work…make light of the mostly-serious subject matter by creating eye-catching social media graphics and programatic ads with copy that resonates with all.


I recall when I was with Bon Appétit magazone, one of my responsibilities was editing travel photography. Hours bent over a light table to pick three slides out of 1,500.

In my quest to be the best creative director possible, I’ve become quite a decent photographer. I’ve always had the eye to frame shots and the ability to clean them up in photodhopSometimes, there’s no time to waste and being able to get quality phoographcs can make or break a design.

Armed with his tiny Canon M6 mirrorless camera, an eye for balance and framing, and no small skill with Photoshop and Lightroom—I get some amazing results.

This shot (below) of a Moscow Mule was taken with my old Nikon DSLR in the alley behind Salt Lake City’s Bar X. I took the shot for a story Utah Style & Design magazine…just a few hours before the issue was sent to prepress. No pressure.

In my quest to be the best creative director I can be, I've become quite a decent photographer.


Before I went architectural school, I was considering a career in technical illustration. Combined, the two disciplines helped me create some decent illustrations, like this architectural rendering for a Park City, Utah-based architectural client.


I designed this cereal box for a Swedish television commercial. My packaging experience includes food product labeling for Trader Joe’s in Southern California.

More Samples

This is a small sampling of Scott’s work. If you’d like to see more samples and/or chat about an upcoming project, contact Scott here.